Berlintegrate Ukrainian Course
Berlintegrate: Networking Course for Ukrainians

We are working on the biggest task mankind has ever faced: The United Nations Agenda 2030, specifically SDG Goal #17: Partnerships for the Goals. We’d love for you to join us!

Berlintegrate - Ukrainian creativity meets the city of Berlin. A new initiative by Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf District Mayor Kirstin Bauch teaches young Ukrainians how to build networks in Berlin, actively participate in a sustainable city of Berlin, and live independent lives here in the future.

Update: Berlintegrate Latest News

27.03.2023. On February 20th we launched the SDG 17 Global Networker Course for Ukrainian Creatives and Impact StartUps. Our second course was a hybrid learning session where some of the students could join us in our Aussergewöhnlich Berlin office. Together we are on the way to making Berlin the Global Impact Capital.

13.03.2023. OMG Vogue reviewed the exhibition „Hardened. The Ukrainian Phenomenon“ On February 27th, the G.ART Gallery, in collaboration with our Stiftung, opened the exhibition "Hardened: The Ukrainian Phenomenon" which was held in the famous Cafe Moskau in Berlin. The Cafe got transformed into Cafe Kyiv where the campaign „Cafe Kyiv – We Choose Freedom“ took place.

Berlintegrate Ukrainian course for Networking
Hybrid Global Networker Course at Aussergewöhnlich Berlin

Berlintegrate: Networking Course Start

What: Berlintegrate: Networking course for Ukrainians. Around 15 artists with Ukrainian roots will get a 4-week course for sustainable networking. Together with "mentors" from Berlin impact-startups.

When: The course launches March 20th, 2023. 

Why: We want all participants of the curse to be able to create sustainable partnerships and collaborations cross-culturally. By the end of March, a curated exhibition by G.ART Gallery will take place for Ukrainian artists to fully "berlintegrate" across sector boundaries.

How: Bewerben Sie sich über 17ACADEMY unter oder          030- 25 74 16 14.

Berlintegrate Olga Berezyuk G.ART Gallery
Olga Berezyuk „Deoccupation“ | Oil on canvas, 100x120cm, 2022

“Successful integration means, enabling people to actively participate in the life of civil society. The foundation for this is knowing how to network and connect others, especially outside one's own circles and social silos."

Kirstin Bauch, District Mayor, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf about Berlintegrate.

The project is a collaboration between the district of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, the Foundation Aussergewöhnlich Berlinthe G.ART Gallery for Eastern European Art, and the Europa Center. The project is supported by the Integration Fund of the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf district.

The course launches March 20th, 2023. Ukrainian artists and Berlin-based impact startups can apply for the course up until that date.

Berlintegrate: Networking course for Ukrainians Polina Kuznetsova
Polina Kuznetsova „The Cry of the fleeing“ | Oil on canvas, 60x50cm, 2022

Berlintegrate: Learn sustainable networking and implement it right away!

Approx. 15 artists with Ukrainian roots will receive a four-week training for "sustainable networking" by 17ACADEMY (founded by Foundation AusserGewöhnlich Berlin).
They are accompanied by a group of "Berlin Mentors": select, Berlin impact startups that participate in the course as tandem partners.
During the program, participants create a theoretical foundation for building sustainable networks and partnerships.

A visible, practical result of the newly acquired theoretical knowledge will be the Berlintegrate Center, which will be created in the foyer of the Europa Center by the end of March. It is organized and curated by G.ART Gallery. The participants will be given a space here, which they will transform into a Ukrainian art exhibition together with G.ART artists.

The exhibition will open March 24, 2023, and will run in tandem with the course. This way, all of Berlin will benefit and experience integration in action.

Berlintegrate: Networking course for Ukrainians Katya Lisova G.ART Gallery
Katya Lisova „From the ruins“ | Digital collage, A3. From „The Power of Memory“ series, 2022

The Europa Center will serve as a role model for the opportunities that temporarily-used spaces can offer during hard times.
Supported by Berlin's temporary space initiative "Transiträume," the project will allow for more creativity and a richer cultural experience at the legendary shopping mall.
This is where Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf demonstrates the cross-fertilizing potential of business, culture and politics working together.

G.ART Gallery: An example of beautiful Berlin integration, G.ART Gallery supports the Berlintegrate project.

G.ART Gründerin Dzhemma Grebenko unterstützt das Projekt Berlintegrate: Networking for Ukrainians. Sie selbst kommt aus Odessa und lebt seit 2016 in Berlin. Sie vermittelt Kunst aus 23 osteuropäischen Ländern, ist aber mit der Ukraine stark verbunden: „In dieser schwierigen Zeit haben wir es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, ukrainischen Künstlerinnen besondere Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken.“

Berlintegrate: Networking course for Ukrainians Ksenia Datsiuk
Ksenia Datsiuk „Condition“ | Acrylic on canvas, 80x60cm, 2022

Berlintegrate: Networking course for Ukrainians und 17ACADEMY

The 17ACADEMY is the non-profit adult education platform of Foundation
AusserGewöhnlich Berlin: it teaches tools for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal # I7: "sustainable networks, partnerships & cross-sectoral collaboration".

Participants learn to coordinate long-term collaborations across industry and sector boundaries.
In doing so, this Berlin initiative helps to initiate new partnerships for the UN Agenda 2030 worldwide.

Applying for the course in the Berlintegrate project:

Interested Ukrainian creatives and impact startups apply directly to 17ACADEMY at or 030- 25 74 16 14.

Prerequisites: work in the creative industry (art, music, design, or similar) or startup arena with focus on one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Berlintegrate: Networking course for Ukrainians Ganna Kryvolap
Ganna Kryvolap „Kyiv unbreakable“ | Oil on canvas, 80x100cm, 2022


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The first professional collaboration platform for Sustainable Development Goal #17: How to build and foster collaboration and sustainable networks.


Whether it's 10€ or 10,000€, every donation allows you to become part of the collaborative collective, the ones who make an impact for real.


A regular contribution makes you a member of the network.


Further your own education while helping others to do so: Your paid subscription will enable 3 free subscriptions for NGOs to learn about collaboration and sustainable networking, so they can pursue their goals in line with SDG #17 of the UN Agenda 2030.